About Me

Inspired by the literary genius of E.L. James and her world-wide trilogy sensation Fifty Shades, a new found love of the written word was born.

Hello there and welcome to Romance of Daydreams - A Book Blog :)

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So, who is "Romance of Daydreams"? I'm a busy mum of two, I work part time, study full time and am a self-confessed one-click junkie.

Why did I decide to start a blog when obviously, I'm quite busy as it is? Easy. Because I'm down right crazy!! I may not be certifiable, but I'm pretty sure those who are closest to me think I am, but then they probably haven't picked up, let alone read a good book in a while. In 2012, I decided to jump on the bandwagon to see what all the fuss was about and read Fifty Shades.

Oh. My. God. I was hooked. 

Now, let's just get one thing straight. BK (Before kids), if I read a book it would normally be the Crime/Legal Suspense/Thrillers that would catch my attention (Micheal Connelly, John Grisham). Romance novels were not something that I had ever experienced before.

So, why did it suck me in so much? I put it down to the beautiful, heart-warming and in places heart-breaking love story. A beautifully damaged billionaire (I pictured Matt Bomer) falling for an average innocent college girl (I pictured Alexis Beldel), moving heaven and earth to prove his worthiness of her - a story where I believe, romance of daydreams come from. Yes, and that's how I came up with the name. Oh, course the sex scenes were HAWT!! But nevertheless, to me, it was a love story, first and foremost.

Anyway, I had all 3 read in less than 5 days, but the problem was that when I finished I wasn't satisfied. I needed more. Personally, I think it was the epilogue and Christian's point of view snippets that kept me lingering for more. This is when I discovered the online phenomenon of fan fiction, which I later learned was where Fifty Shades started, along with many other now, well known authors (E.g. Christina Lauren - Beautiful Series, Cassandra Clare - The Mortal Instruments). Those fan fiction stories started me on my reading obsession as writers I followed branched out into writing and publishing their own original works (E.g. Jane Harvey-Berrick, A.C. Netzel, LL. Collins). Amazon was a new place to me and when I discovered one-click … well, let's just say I don't buy many shoes or handbags anymore :P

And that's what lead me to here. I decided to start a blog and impart my support of authors and my one-click obsession on the world … cause someone else should be reaping some rewards other than the credit-card gods - haha. 

I am a proud supporter of Indie Authors (I definitely think that fan fiction has influenced that) and think it's awesome that they get out there and self-publish. I am happy to help promote most Romance Authors on my page, primarily those with books in the contemporary, adult, YA and erotica categories. Therefore, as I am also using this blog to help support authors, it doesn't necessarily mean I have every book that features here. I have though read the synopsis and it piqued my interest.

I am trying to write a review for every book I've read (see the reviews pages), however I know I am seriously behind with that. Please bear with me as I try and catch up (one of my 2015 resolutions). However if you're interested, check out my Goodreads profile, as I add EVERY book I read there - Awesome, good and the ugly.

In regards to ARC's, I'm more than happy for authors to send a request through. If you could send through as much info as possible on the book that would be great! If a synopsis grabs me, I am happy to read it, but be warned I will be honest with my thoughts and opinions of it - that's a good thing right?? :P

Previously to blogging, I read a couple of hundred books, so unfortunately I don't have written reviews for every book. I do wish to go back and write reviews for all, but unfortunately that will be something I do whenever I re-read a book or have the time.

So, come join me and my one click obsession as I share the love of bargain books, awesome reads, honest, call-it-as-I-see-it reviews and not to mention give-away a few books in the process.

Much Love,

Romance of Daydreams

My Review Ratings

1 - I don't get it. It's totally not my cup of tea. I DID NOT like the book at all.  Mama always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. More than likely, I didn't even finish the book. Definitely would not recommend.

2 - To receive two stars this book would make me feel … meh. It would have some major flaws that detracted from reading it. If I finished it, I finished because I forced myself too. It didn't have the ability to draw me in and look past those problems.  More than likely, would not recommend. Read at your own risk. Things that annoyed the crap out of me, may not annoy you.

3 - A three star book would be … OK. It would have flaws or things that nagged at me, but the storyline would be interesting enough that those flaws could be overlooked. A book with this rating could easily be put down, but if I picked it back up I wouldn't feel forced to do so. Overall, an OK read. Would recommend it, but I'm neither here nor there about it.

4 - I would have really LIKED the book to receive four stars. It would contain that special magic that held my attention. Possibly could contain a minor trait that got on my nerves, but would happily recommend it to anyone that's willing and able.  Most books would probably/hopefully receive this rating

5 -  Five stars would equal AWESOME. It would have me hook, line and sinker. So much so that it would have captivated me to the point that I ignored real life and/or stayed up until the wee hours because I just I couldn't put it down. If bored and looking to re-read a book, this would be on that go-to list. Would happily HIGHLY recommend. Most books would probably/hopefully receive this rating

6 - OM*G. This book was Fan-fu*king-tastic . I'm totally in love with it. I cannot live without this book, and no one in their right mind should live without it either!! I want a kindle copy, a paperback and would travel half way across the world just to get a glimpse of the author I loved it that much. With just a thought, or a quick mention of this book, will cause the heart to flutter and an uncontrollable urge to pick it up and read it over and over and over again. Without a doubt, would HIGHLY recommend. This would rating would be reserved for those books I would put in my ALL TIME favourite reads.

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