Introducing the final installment of Kes and Amiee, book two in the traveling duet ...
Title: The Traveling Woman (The Traveling Duet #2)
Author: Jane Harvey-Berrick
Release Date: April 7 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance
This is part two of a two part series. It is HIGHLY recommended to read in order. Read my 5star review of book one here.
How many times do you gamble on love? When love has knocked you down, should you give it another chance? When does optimism become stupidity?
And what happens when the man you’re in love with is never still, always moving, always traveling? Do you say goodbye, or do you leave behind everything that you’ve worked for, everything that you’ve ever known? Can a traveling carnival be my home?
Oh. You thought I had the answers. No, sorry. No answers, just a lot of questions—and a heart that wants to rule my head.
Can one person be my home?
Buy it NOW at:
Amazon US Amazon CA Amazon UK Amazon AU B&N
Don't have the first book?
The Traveling Man: Amazon US Amazon CA Amazon UK Amazon AU
THE CONCLUDING STORY of Aimee and Kestrel, begun in THE TRAVELING MAN ……
How many times do you gamble on love? When love has knocked you down, should you give it another chance? When does optimism become stupidity?
And what happens when the man you’re in love with is never still, always moving, always traveling? Do you say goodbye, or do you leave behind everything that you’ve worked for, everything that you’ve ever known? Can a traveling carnival be my home?
Oh. You thought I had the answers. No, sorry. No answers, just a lot of questions—and a heart that wants to rule my head.
Can one person be my home?
I was amazed to see that the school field had been transformed into a mini-arena with two small ramps in the middle. It was about the third the size of what Kes used in his usual act. A shiver went through me. I prayed that this impromptu display was safe.
The children sat on the grass around the edges, chattering loudly. Then Zef appeared in his leathers, carrying his helmet.
“Holy shit! Who’s hottie number two?” Mirelle hissed.
“That’s Zef, one of the other stunt riders from the display team.”
“Oh my God! Do they have a special laboratory where they make smokin’ hot motorcycle riders?”
“You should see Tucker, the third guy. He’s hot, too, but he totally knows it. They all do. Tucker and Zef are both players.”
“Good to know,” Mirelle muttered, straightening up and sticking out her boobs as Zef strolled toward Kes and Principal Browne. “Introduce us later,” she demanded.
Mentally, I was rolling my eyes. She’d been warned, the rest was up to her.
Kes disappeared, and I assumed it was to change into his leathers, as well. A familiar gnawing anxiety twisted my stomach, and I remembered how hard it was to watch Kes throwing his body fifty feet into the air and come crashing down again. It wouldn’t be that high today, but still…
The children cheered when Kes and Zef came roaring onto the field, performing spins and turns, wheelies and slides.
Then they took to the ramp, doing a pared down version of the usual show. I cringed as I saw the small ramps buckle and bend as they landed their bikes, but Kes had pitched the act perfectly between drama and humor. He and Zef had added a new trick of tossing a football to each other mid-jump. The children loved that.
As he finished, he stood in the center of the field and pulled off his helmet, waving at the kids and teachers as they cheered for him.
I was clapping along with everyone else when my hands fell to my sides.
“What’s wrong?” Mirelle asked.
I turned to stare at her.
“Look at him in front of a crowd,” I sighed. “See how brightly he shines. This is where he belongs. I’ve always known it.”
Mirelle turned to look at Kes.
“Yes, I see it, too,” she said quietly.
“I can’t keep him here, can I?”
Mirelle looked at me sympathetically. “No, chica, it would be wrong. He’s got you, but there’s nothing else here for him.”
I nodded slowly.
“What does that mean for you?” she asked. “Are you going to give up on your dreams?”
A beautifully
crafted ending to a fiery couple who believe that dreams come true when sitting
on a Ferris wheel, staring at the lights.
Warning: this is a
continuation of the story between Kes and Aimee. I HIGHLY recommend that book
one - The Traveling Man is read prior to this book. Therefore, this review will
spoil book one for you if you continue on.
How many times do you gamble on love?
When love has knocked you down, should you give it another chance? When does
optimism become stupidity?
And what happens when the man you’re in
love with is never still, always moving, always traveling? Do you say goodbye,
or do you leave behind everything that you’ve worked for, everything that
you’ve ever known? Can a traveling carnival be my home?
Can one person be my home?
I had great hopes
when I found that the continuation of Kes and Aimee's story was called The
Traveling Woman - to me implying that this fantastic couple would get their
HEA, through whatever trials and tribulations that they may face. And as usual
Jane's writing style, her story telling ability, did not disappoint.
Aimee, starts the
new school year alone without Kes, thinking that this was the right decision.
Her work, her career, her apartment, her life was all in New Hampshire. Stable,
reliable, unmoving. However, the time they spent apart wasn’t soothing the ache
in her chest, but growing sharper, days becoming emptier. And it's not just
Aimee who felt this way.
He was here. Really here. For me.
He winced, regret and pain on his face,
and glanced across at Gregg. "Am I too late?"
Realising (with a
little help from his friends) how selfish he was being, asking Aimee to just up
and leave her life, he comes to her, putting his life on hold - to put himself
in her shoes like she did for him.
Words weren't his favourite way of
communication - his body was always so much more eloquent. Tonight it was
saying that it was up to me - he'd offered himself, but he wouldn't push. He
needed me to show that I wanted him as much as he wanted me.
Jane is one of those
authors that I will happily one click without reservation. I don't need to read
the blurb because I know she will dazzle me.
And here we are again. Another winner. Her characters are diverse and
multidimensional, just like we are in the real world. Kes and Aimee learn what
makes each other tick. Dreams can change, evolve and adapt to what life has in
store for us. So, why did I not give it 5 stars? The time jumping. For me I find when authors do this it can be
a little bit hit and miss to keep me connected; to stop me from feeling like
I'm distancing myself from the emotion and connection to the character. I
mentioned in my review for book one that the timeline hopping worked, however
this time, in this book, it didn't 100% work for me. I started to feel a little
disconnected from the characters towards the end. But other than that, nothing
but excellence. This is what I have learnt to expect form Jane and I'm very
much looking forward to blindly one-clicking whatever she has installed for us
Buy it NOW at:
Amazon US Amazon CA Amazon UK Amazon AU B&N
Don't have the first book?
The Traveling Man: Amazon US Amazon CA Amazon UK Amazon AU
I lived in London for over 10 years and have a love affair with New York. It's only since I have moved to the countryside, that the words have really begun to flow.
I live in a small village by the ocean and walk my little dog, Pip, every day. It’s on those beachside walks that I have all my best ideas.
Writing has become a way of life – and one that I love to share.
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