Title: By My Side
: Theresa Troutman
Date : Jan 10th 2015
“Maybe it’s not what you’re running from, but what you’re
running toward.”
Alicia travels to an exotic land, with hopes to reinvent
herself. She moves to Auckland, New Zealand, to heal and escape her unhappy
past in America.
Hunter works in a bar to distract himself from the memory of
a tragic past. Playing in a local band and resorting to one night stands are
his only means for an escape from his reality.
Brought together by circumstance, an unexpected romance
blossoms between these two tortured souls.
Theresa Troutman lives
in Pennsylvania with her husband and their crazy dog, Niko. She loves reading,
theatre and traveling. Her books include: My Secret Summer, A Special
Connection and the Love's Great Adventure Series: Life's What You Make It and
Love This Life and London Loves. She is currently working on contemporary
romance called, By My Side, which will be released in early 2015.
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